Write For Your Audience But Be Yourself.
Is your business a commodity, provides access to information or perhaps your organisation does fundraising for a cause?
Businesses of all kinds need to make their message reach the people who are most likely to respond to their call.
Whether the message they want to convey is in an email, an advertisement, a blog post or even face to face meetings, businesses need to ensure that their writing is geared toward their desired audience.
Do You Know Your Audience?
Your audience may be customers, clients shoppers, members of an organization, a certain age group or something else, but a business needs to know where they are, what they like and do ( Demographics ), to seem like an insider.
In order to write well for your market, find out who your potential customers are. As a business, you need to understand the demographic , the vernacular of the niche that you’re in and gear your message towards interested people, and make them fall in love with you.
Write to your ‘ideal prospects’ so that they devour every word you write, understand what you are saying, and come to believe what you are saying.
In order to make this happen, you need to know more about, become more – like your audience.
It's important to know your audience & connect with your readers Share on XWhen writing posts on your blog, and certainly before advertising or starting a social media campaign, you will get better results if you find your ‘ideal prospect’ first and discover as much as you can about them. (link to ‘Discover Your Audience’ coming soon.) Remember, your blog is often the first place that people will find you and your business,
Does your audience:
- Use slang, cool words and lots of clichés?
- Like reading rather than watching videos?
- Use jargon and technical terms?
- Are they fast or slow talkers and thinkers?
- Moan a lot or unwell – need cheering up?
Remember, most people prefer their own opinion rather than that of others and will switch off if talked down to. Be yourself of course, but you need Empathy – let them know you understand how they feel.
How can you become more like your audience while being yourself?
A new software is available from 2nd March 2017. It provides anyone that uses the program with a very detailed audience insights, essential for advertising online. I provide more information about the Software and Upsells (OTOs) in my Review. Update There is a Special Launch Offer for the whole of MAY 2017
Learn How To Listen
You may be very different from your audience, but you can find common ground.
This can be fun, and you could end up making them laugh – but done right, they’ll be laughing with you.
Interact with them, Ask questions and Listen to them talking among themselves. Find out what is unique about the way they communicate and use those words and mannerisms in your writing.
You can do this on your blog using the comment system, on social media, at meetings or one to one by email.
Once you know the words they use and how they use them, imitate and start to practice it when talking.
You can even exaggerate how you do it until it becomes natural to you.
When living or staying in another country, many families use the local words for common household objects, injecting them into their own language until they become part of it. Colonials have done this for centuries.
I can’t pretend it’s easy to learn communicating naturally with your customers, nor suggesting that you learn a whole new language, but using familiar terms and responding in a friendly way will help them to get to know, like and trust you. It’s well worth spending the time to do it and can do wonders for your business.
Once you can write with your audience in mind they’ll be more inclined to buying from you.
Be Real
Even big companies are built on teams of real people communicating with clients. Sometimes a visiting representative or sales person can make or break the success of a company with the people they see.
I can’t even count the number of times I have been put off a company that insists on their sales-people or help desk staff stickiing to a script – when they don’t understand what I am looking for it drives me round the bend and I go elsewhere! But when they are human, and take the trouble to find out what I need, that company wins my custom.
So bear this in mind: While it’s advantageous to ‘know the lingo’, your own style and personality makes your message stand out.
Finally, don’t be shy or embarrassed – playing with your audience as you communicate with them will warm them to you, and they will come to know you are a real human being.
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I will talk about how to reach and engage with your clients in another article…
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