If you’re reading this you have arrived at the very first post in my new blog. Do you want to know how to begin to work online and earn a real ongoing income from your computer?
If that is you – Well done! You have landed in exactly the right place! Read on to find out more…
I invite you now to follow along while I build a brand new business from scratch. You can watch how it changes from this one post in an empty blog to a successful business earning real money in the internet.
Learn for yourself with me.
I will be performing and documenting the process here in my blog, one step at a time. You can follow me as I complete each task. No muss, no fuss.
If you are here right now in March you can literally join in with me. I will soon have a form so that you can get my emails straight into your inbox. Don’t worry if you find this later – you can still get the whole series from the beginning by signing up to my mailing list.
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. This is the first post and all I have done so far is:
- Installed wordpress on my blog
- Deleted the standard post, page and comment
- Set my permalinks to postname in the settings
- Changed the default category to ‘General’
- And started this, my first post
I don’t like the term ‘uncategorised’ it sounds a little indecisive to me – just my preference.
Of course, there’s more to building a business that earns you a living than setting up a blog. You need to provide something that people want. That something needs to be of sound quality and well worth paying for. It also needs to give more value than the price that is paid.
That is what I will be doing here, a little at a time, until I can truthfully say: “I easily earn my living online”.
And if all goes to plan, I should be able to add “A fantastic, comfortable – even luxurious living”.
Thanks for reading, and let me know if you are following my progress in the comments.
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